}); Astrohelpful: August 2018

Thursday 30 August 2018



1- If venus and ketu  or moon  are placed with  sun and saturn , the person's wife , son  and mother are likely to  suffer.

2-  if venus ,  Ketu  and  Moon are placed with  Sun and Mars , then the natal's wife , son parents are likely to be ill.

3-  If Venus  is placed in 3rd house and sun. moon and ketu are placed in the 9 house then the natal might undertake a foreign journey  at the invitation of a lady.

4-  When Sun and  Ketu are placed together then natal's  mother and son both shall suffer.

5-  If Ketu  is placed in the 4 house and Rahu is seated in the 10 house and natal has a child before the age of 34 - 42 then the must be sure that he is not the father of the child.

6-  When jupiter is placed in the 6 house , natal's father suffers from respiratory trouble he may lose gold.he may lose gold.

7- Mercury  in the 2 house indicates that there  are knots in the  yarn of the house  which keeps  the destiny entangled it should be set free.
8-  Moon are placed in the 6 house causes problem to mother  he is advised to keep  rabbit in the house for welfare of his own children . if rabbit dies , another should be replaced.

9-  Natal is not in very  friendly  terms with his father if the jupiter is placed in 7 house . he should wear coral.

10-   Venus and ketu placed in 5 house causes and obstacles in progeny.

11-  Venus and ketu together  causes matrimony . the person get s good news and happiness.

12-   Venus present in 4 house indicates two marriages. it is advisable that the couple marries each other again with all the rituals of marriage .

13-  If   Venus is alone in 2 , 4 or 7 house then the person may have a number of living wives.

14-   if Sun and Venus  are placed together then the wife shall suffer from disease related to blood. she may die after operation . he may have 2 son.

15- if mercury is placed in 1,5,9 or 12 house then the natal  may have only one wife irrespective of the fact that he has children or not.

16- The person has 2 uncles and 2 brothers if mars is placed in the 6 house.

17- The in Laws are good for nothing if venus is placed in 2nd house. 

18- The natal is inauspicious to maternal uncle and maternal grand parents if Ketu is placed in 9 house.

19- A person  undergoes eye operation when saturn and moon come into  conflict .

20-  A person builds a house when saturn and jupiter are placed together but in this situation the wife shall be unhappy.

Tuesday 28 August 2018




Marriage compatibility is an important contribution of jyotish to the world as only it can  foresee any problem in the married life of a couple  a and can  precisely determine which area the problem shall root from. it is very important to consider the compatibility factors among Nakshatra while building marriage relationship in our  lives. Marriage is the ones that  lifetime and needs to be carefully conducted between two individual of compatible Nakshatras.


General -  He /she is dancing , handsome , truthful, prosperous, self sufficient , popular ,  knowledgeable , rich , well, mannered, expert, outspoken, explorer , sportsmanship, and has vitality ,courage , dynamism, initiative ,action and a contented family life.

Physical features :     Male has a beautiful countenance , bright and large, eyes , broad forehead and big nose . Female eyes will be bright , but small, like a fish with magnetic look.

Character :   he will remain faithful and will not hesitate to sacrifice anything  for beloved person . he keeps his patience even at the time of greatest perils.

Education and sources of earning / profession:  Male  will be full of struggle up to 3e . there will be steady  and continuous progress after 30 years and will continue up to 55 years of age mily life

Family life:   male  is a very poor eater .there is change of injury in the forhead and just around the eyes . he is a chain smoker . 
female will have frequent menstrual problems ,uterus disorder , anaemia and in some case tuberculosis has also been noticed.

Career :   his / her career will be in military , chemical , industry medicine or agriculture . he / she may be a social reformer activist and philosophers . they excel in  arts and curve a niche in career based on singing , dancing , acting, and painting .

Sunday 26 August 2018





         positive                                                Negative 

1- originality                                           1- arrogance
2- will power                                           2-selffishnes   
3- independence                                      3-  ego problem
4- courage                                               4- pushiness  
5- active                                                  5- domineering   
6- initiative                                              6- contrainerss 
 7- leadership                                           7-  stubborness 
8-   self reliance                                       8- false pride
9- individuality                                        9- self willedness
  The 1  no is denoted king number in numerology . according to numerology 1 number represent sun.

people born on a day that adds up to 1 put their personal stamp on whatever they do .they stands out as individual truly doing their own thing .
for example  if there only one Bette midler 12/1/1945 and there only one lily tomlin9/1/1993.

if you have as 1 expression , you are a born leader but yorage to hold to youu have little must have the courage to hold to your conviction follow the example of Ralph waldo emerson., whose i expression gave him the courage to become a spokesman for a new movement ,called transcendentalism in 1836 people today stil read his essa" Self Reliance''

if your life path number is 1, you need to learn self reliance you have to attempt something new and not count on help from others take a cue from Aristotle Onassis (9/2/1966 )  a  self made man with a 1 life path .though his shipping extended over the world it was basically a one man operation.



Image result for bracelet in palmistry

The Rascette or Bracelets are the line which cross the wrist at the base of the hand.

Three Bracelets may be one  , two or three in number .


1- The  First bracelet , nearest to the palm gives you robust constitution .

2-  The First Bracelet also promises longevity.

3- A deep Life Line, with a deeply cut Rascette is a proof of long and healthy life , a kind of look younger ,live longer type.


 The Second Bracelet indicates wealth and success in life 


1- The third bracelet indicates  travel

2- Travel  line rises from the third bracelet  Spatulate finger tips with the line on the third  bracelet are  the strongest confirmatory evidence.

 when travel line are seen , the type of the subject can help to use them correctly . The Lunarian 
is the most anxious to travel , the Mercurian next. The martian , the apolloian and jupiterian all  like travel   to some extent , but most often make journey  with the idea  of improving their material success . the saturnain will travel in search of knowledge , and Venusian purely for pleasure.

ABOUT  BRACELET-Image result for bracelet in palmistry

 If the bracelet rise  into the palm , like an arch in a women hand she will be unable to give birth to children.

Men in whose hands the first bracelet rises like an arch is important due to weak manly power.
if the first bracelet has a line running to the mount  of jupiter . it indicates reputation acquired by contact with people of high position.
if a branch from th efirst bracelet rises to the mount of mercury it indicates wealth.

An angle on the bracelet  indicated large fortune 

A  cross on the bracelet show rich inheritance.

To Become King - 

if there are three such bracelet the  person become king

if there are two the subject is very intelligent and holds a rank of equal to that of a minister.

if these  bracelet are not only inside of the palm but extend all around the wrist that is evenly present on the wrist it is better still. Ladies having such bracelet wear costly jewelry round their wrists.

Saturday 25 August 2018



Sex has fallen on evil days and we have all become hypocrites .Machine have further affected the  sexual capability of a man .impotence is on the upswing . Sex is something that needs to be cultivated,to escape  the boredom of unanimity and stagnation.palmistry serves a good guide to your sex life as well as other aspects of life.

Sex is the basic mental factor  of human character . Sex involves emotional emotional factors, psychological urges and emotional reaction produce sex, sympathy and sentiment .

The most striking of the modern incongruities is the muddle that exists incongruities is the muddle that exists in the sexual field . The ignorance and stupidity is amazing . the sickly and sentimental misplaced respectability is colossal.
Image result for sex line in palmistry
love lines


1-  The  Lines of heart indicates the basic type of sex urges .study it carefully and understand  its significance .

2-   A  straight  heart line formation betrays mental sexuality , in this particular case the indication are are a love , an idealistic mental tendency.

3-   The sexual ideal in a straight heart line is a mental concept it has no relation  to the physical.

4-stopping heart line the spiritual indication of sex are matched by the intelligence of the subject.

5- Crooked heart line the mental concept of sex become a sensuous business the mental perceptive ability brings the emotional appreciation  toward a lower  plane .

6-  when the line of of heart is straight and deep , the idealistic  qualities of the beloved are reduced to an appreciation of bodily perfection.

7-  The longer heart line , the greater is the appreciation and understanding of the emotional factors.

Image result for sex line in palmistry
girdle line of venus


1- the girdle of venus is a series of semicircular lines just above the heart line.

2- When we find five or six of these semi- circular lines clearly  marked then we may quite safely assume that we are dealing with a person who is hypersensitive to environment.

3-  The presence of the girdle of Venus on a masculine type of hand and heart line introduces a touch 
of refinement an element of mental appreciation to sex reaction.


1-  Sex is also indicated on the head line for example when the hand and heart line are joined , at time  the subject is very sentimental and emotional at other time he is practical even to the point of harshness.

2-  In the case of a homosexual , the head line curves dowanward.

3- In the case of the feminine homosexual , the head  line slopes downward and the first finger is long  showing a dominate quality.


1- The Mount of Venus also betrays sexual qualities .  A well formed  /mount  of Venus indicate profound lust for life and voluptuousness .the higher and more developed the mount of Venus ,the greater the sex instinct.

2- In case of callousness  and indifference to sex  matter the   sex   matter , the mount of venus  shrinks almost to flatness.

3- A  grille on the Mount of Venus indicates many love affairs.

Wednesday 22 August 2018



Hello , 

 friends today i am telling to some kind of raj yog in birth chart .  if in your birth chart some following  yog are formed then you will definitely enjoy your life.

Image result for rajyog in birth chart
raj yog 

1-  if two or more planet in your birth chart are exalted or own sign . 

2-  if four or more planet exalted in your birth chart  or own sign.

3- if  Quardrant  houses lords sitting in  trine or vice vars 

4-  Quadrant lords and trine house lords seen each other or aspect each other   or conjunction each other.

5-  Moon chart  , in this chart trine house lord or quadrant house lord seen each other or aspect each other.

6-  Moon conjunction with two planet sitting in quadrant house.

7-  Quadrant house  fill with good planet Moon , Jupiter , Venus , Mercury , or Saturn.

8-   Trine house and Quadrant  house sitting planet two or three more planet.

9- Ascendant lord  and all planet  with lie in 10 to 20 degree.

Monday 20 August 2018



Under the lines in the blood  vessel there are microbes  these microbes  make the line of destiny . they are responsible for our achievement and failure . the victory and defeat are already there are in blood of the man . the line on  the hand only are an index to the working of microbes in the brain and the blood of the man . the line on the hand only are an index to the working of microbes in the brain and bloodstream of a human being.n color have been given 

 Good  lines are clearly etched on the hand . it appears as if these have been pencil led by an artist . in color these are slightly pinkish.

" Variance in color have been given interpretation " says  Litzka Raymond ," Red Lines show more than usual activity but signify a temptuous  nature . pale lines show lack of energy and weakness of decision . Dark lines point to a vindictive disposition.

Image result for fate line palmistry image
fate line


The Line of Life begins beneath  the first finger  and runs down to the base of the thumb.

1-  The longer the line of life , the longer the life  and greater the nervous energy.

2- ILL health may be traceable to flaws in the life line Any break signifies a serious trouble ahead . where the life line is weak , exhaustion is frequent and recuperation is slow.

3- The greater the curve of the line of life , the more the natural vigour . when the life line is well marked with pink hue , it points to a strong rugged constitution . when the line is well formed  throughout, it show that  natural vigour starts early in infancy  and last right up to ripe old age.

4-   Where the line of life is frayed or chained , it indicates ailments in the respective period  of life . Frays of chains throughout the line indicate a tendency to chronic ailments throughout life  .  where there are intervals of frays or chains it shows  good health alternating with bad health throughout life.

5-  Where the line of life shows width , it indicates irritability or serve strain mostly under pressure . 
Deep red stretch  are sign of feverish disposition.


1 -  When the line of head is clear and deep , all mental function are at  their best . when the line is wide and  shallow , the person concerned is unable to direct himself and should seek someone guidance, someone  whom  he can trust.

2-  A frayed head Lines shows that brain power is being wastefully consumed by traffic and  un important matters when the lines is chained it shows lack of continuity of purpose when  the line is faint or wavy. its show a person easily mislead by lack of concentration.


1-     A clear well formed line portrays a balanced mind and harmonious affection . with depth and pink color it is a token of a strong heart with depth and pink  color it is a token of a strong heart.
when the line is wide , it indicate a fleeting romance , stirred by jealousy.

2-  frays are significant of a flirtatious disposition and indicates intensity of affection equalled by  its forgetfulness , like the royal lover of shakuntala.

3- when the line has forks or branches going to some or other mount it imbibes qualities of that emotion.

4- when the heart line begins from or branches going to some or other mount it imbibes qualities of that mount.


The fate line when it is good starts from the wrist and goes straight up to the mount of saturn up to the mount of saturn.

The fate line should be studied in combination with other indication otherwise golden opportunities indicated  by the fate line may help flop for want of other adverse circumstances.

The complete absences of the fate line should not be interpreted as  a bad omen. 

if the fate line is straight and clear it activates and turns to advantage various opportunities that . when  chained the man will meet with many disappointments.

When the  fate line is frayed . it shows a nervous attitude towards life's opportunities when chained the man will meet with many disappointments.


Saturday 18 August 2018



Thumb stands most alone on the hand and it is the most powerful . jack thumb is the giant killer . it is alone sufficient to make or mar a man or   women.

" in the judgment of character " , say cheiro , " the thumb is almost of the same importance to the hand that nose is to the face. it express  more especially  the strength or weakness of the natural; will of the  individual , and is one of the most significant indicators of  character   in the connection with this study.
Image result for different kind of thumbs pic astrology
different kind of thumbs


 The scientist believe that there is something like " Thumb centre "   in the brain and undue pressure 
on this part  causes paralysis . the thumb is the most reliable warning of any disease .

there are two kinds of thumbs- the Supple and the firm jointed .firm joint indicated more will power '
and determination that a supple jointed thumb.

when the firm  jointed thumb  is large and full in the nail phalanx , it denotes more obstinancy of character  then determination of purpose .

The supple jointed thumb denotes a pliant nature it yields readily to the surrounding circumstances.

if the thumb is supple and the line of head is straight , the subject has developed a mental will and determination .

when the nail phalanx  is supple jointed ,it denotes a nature extremely adaptable to the people.

when the second phalanx is supple jointed, the subject is easily adaptable to the circumstances.


individual with the supple joint thumb are less strict in their view s and idea than those possessing firm jointed thumbs.

supple jointed thumb gives the subject great generosity liberality and extravagance .

The people with supple thumbs are more easily cheated and swindled  because they are credulous 
and trusting everybody.
Image result for different kind of thumbs pic astrology
Thumb parts



The people with firm jointed thumbs may be generous at heart but they are not ready to quixotically part  with their  money.

The people with firm jointed thumbs are  prudent in their financial affairs.

The people with firm jointed thumbs  cannot be easily imposed  upon and are not impulsive in money matter.

Image result for different kind of thumbs pic astrology
types of thumbs

Thursday 16 August 2018



Influence line are tiny branches of major lines which exercise great life and character  . These  influence line  are very  thin  , usually short but someone these are unusually long . these emanate from all kind of mounts and major lines.

the influence line must be understood in the final grasp and analysis of character and destiny . some time influence line are cut by other influence line. these indicates sensitive and nervous temperament.

Image result for influence line image palmistry
influence line


1-  An influence line from the line of the life to the lower  mount of mars indicates unfavorable attachments in early life.

2-  A semi - circular line crossing  the line of life indicates sudden grave illness.

3-  A deep line  from the second  phalanx across the mount  of venus to the line of life show great sorrow  from the death of one much level.

4-  A line cutting the line of  life  and the line of head indicates brain trouble due to domestic quarrels and mutual bickering.

5- A line from the life line  of life to the fate line show kith an kin who will seriously interfere with the subject  career.

6-  A line cutting the line of life  and heart indicates illness due to unfaithful friends.
Image result for influence line image palmistry
influence line Venus mount


1-   A  line from the mount  from the mount of  venus  cutting the line of fate indicates the death of cross relative or a close friend .

2-    A line across the line of fate terminated in a star with in a triangles indicates a serious loss of money.

3-   Twins lines meeting in a star on the line of fate indicated two simultaneous love affair.

4-    A line staring from the mount of venus and ending in a dot on the line of fate indicates carrier  two simultaneous love affair.

5-   A line  starting from the mount of venus  and ending  in a dot line line of fate indicates a career wrecked by the death of a  relative or a close friend.

6-    A line starting from an island and ending in a star on the line of fate indicates that intrigue the career of the subject.


1-  A line from the mount of mars to the mount of jupiter indicates high progress in  one's profession

2-   A line from the mount of  Venus to the mount of  Saturn indicates an accident.

3-  A line from the mount of venus to the roots of the  /second finger indicates danger to generative.

4-  A line from the mount of Venus to the Mount of jupiter ending  star  indicates ambition crowned with brilliant success.

5-   A line from the  mount of jupiter ending in an island indicates severe illness  of the lung.


1-  Downward lines  on the first phalanx of the thumb indicates will power.

2-  Crossed line on the first phalanx of the thumb indicates great obstacles.

3- short line near the nail of thumb indicates legacies.

4-   A line from the first phalanx to the line of life indicates death from danger.

5-   A line from the first phalanx to the line line of life indicates death from dagger.

6-  Downward lines on the  second phalanx of the indicates clear reasoning power.

7-  Forked lines on the thumb indicates philosophic talent .

8-   A triangle on  the thumb indicates philosophic  talent.

9 - A circle on the second phalanx  of the thumb is triumph of reason .

Related image
influence line mount of thumb